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Organization for the Promotion of Advanced Research and Science

The Organization for the Promotion of Advanced Research and Academia was established to promote world-class advanced research in distinctive fields in line with Ehime University’s philosophy and goals, and to contribute to the promotion of academic research at Ehime University by developing research strategies and concrete measures aimed at enhancing the university-wide academic infrastructure.

Center for Coastal Environmental Sciences

Preserving the marine environment through advanced research

Research Center for Deep Earth Dynamics

Science in the depths of the earth.

Proteoscience Center

Elucidating Life Phenomena through the Study of Proteins

Research Center for Ancient Industrial Archaeology in Asia

Pursuing the history of people, industry, and the environment

Space Evolution Research Center

Exploring the Origin and Future of the Universe

Academic Support Center

Supporting education and research through shared use of a variety of research equipment

Office of Education and Research Enhancement

Highly supportive of the educational and research activities of the Advanced Research Center

Information and Media Center

Supporting university education and research through ICT

Office of Buried Cultural Properties Research

Explore the history that lies beneath the ground

Academic Planning Office

Promote the development of academic research