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Aidai Transferable Skill

In order for graduates to play an active role in society, they need knowledge in their specialized fields as well as a wide range of general-purpose abilities. Such general abilities are called transferable skills. At Ehime University , we have established “Aidai Transferable Skills” to be cultivated in graduate school education. Aidai’s transferable skills consist of five abilities: leadership, communication, problem solving, career development, and ethics.

All master’s and doctoral courses and interdisciplinary courses at Ehime University clearly state classes and research guidance corresponding to Aida’s transferable skills, and provide a curriculum for graduate students to acquire Aidai’s transferable skills. doing. In addition, the acquisition status of each student from enrollment to completion is visualized objectively and from multiple perspectives so that the student can confirm it.

  1. Leadership Ability to demonstrate leadership as a member of an organization or society
  2. Communication Able to communicate while respecting individual diversity
  3. Problem Solving Ability to use expertise to solve problems
  4. Career Formation You can build your own career by making use of your expertise.
  5. Ethics Be able to act ethically as a professional