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Learning Support System

Learning Support

Ehime University offers various “learning support systems” for students who are trying to learn, think, and practice by themselves. In addition to the direct method of asking questions to the faculty member in charge during class, students can use these support systems to obtain advice on class content and learning methods, as well as sincere consultation on student life.

Faculty in charge of student life

The University has established a system of faculty members in charge of student life to monitor each student’s situation, provide course guidance as needed, and offer advice on student life. We are committed to supporting you as a safety net so that you can lead a fulfilling student life, so please check your course status regularly with the faculty member in charge of student life.

office hours

In principle, all full-time faculty members have office hours once a week to answer questions about their classes and provide consultation on student life. As a general rule, students can visit a faculty member’s laboratory without an appointment during office hours, so if you have any questions about class content, etc., please take advantage of this time.

Teaching Assistant (TA)

This is a class supporter assigned by a graduate student. They participate in classes with students and support their learning. Based on their specialized knowledge, they assist students with experiments and practical training, answer questions, and correct reports. Through these activities, TAs themselves learn how to teach better.

Student Assistant (SA)

These students are assigned to classes by undergraduate students (seniors) and participate in classes like TAs, assisting students in learning. You may one day become an SA to support new students.

Study Help Desk (SHD)

This is a study consultation service for students. Graduate student advisors provide in-depth explanations of course content and advice on effective study skills. Graduate student advisors are especially popular among new students because they have professional knowledge and can provide study consultation from the student’s perspective.