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Counseling room about health (General Health Center)

 The Comprehensive Health Center is a facility to assist Ehime University students, faculty and staff to lead healthy and fulfilling lives, both mentally and physically, during their years of study and employment.
 We provide various health-related information through common education, bulletin boards, news, etc. to educate people about knowledge and prevention of diseases, and aim to promote the health of each individual through health checkups and various consultation services.

  • periodic health checkup
  • General health consultation and first aid for “catching a cold,” “falling off a bicycle and getting hurt,” etc.
  • Specialized consultation by school physician (internal medicine, orthopedics, dermatology, otolaryngology, dental surgery, gynecology)
  • Mental health counseling (counseling by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, referral to other counseling institutions, etc.)
  • Occupational health consultation (consultation on health, prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, workplace environment, chemical substances, etc.)
  • In the lobby, there are automatic height and weight scales, automatic blood pressure meters, body composition analyzers, and other measuring devices available for use.
Please feel free to contact us at
General Health Center 3, Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama, 790-8577, Japan
(089)927-9193 Reception